
Tuesday 16 January 2018

Cute Owl by Pollyanna Pickering - Get Well Card

Hello My Crafty Blog Friends

I hope you are well and that the weather hasn't affected you too much. I have had a busy couple of days getting ready to go away. It is so lovely having the time to do this.

Just before we go. I would like to share another card with you.

The backing paper is that very useful packaging from an M&S flower bag. 

This little owl by Pollyanna Pickering is just so cute it couldn't fail to cheer someone up.

This was a nice easy card to make with very pleasing results. 

I hope you have a great week. 

Happy Crafting

Hugs Jackie

Please follow my blog with Bloglovin


KarinsArtScrap said...

it's so beautiful Jackie
Gr Karin

Anonymous said...

This is an amazing card Jackie, I love the artwork and what a great use of the m&s bag, brilliant, great card hun xx

karenlotty said...

Clever Very clever making use of m&s packaging! I hope the packing goes OK Luckily I just have to lay my clothes out and OH does the packing He’s very good at squeezing everything in to small suitcases

Laine said...

Lovely image and detail Jackie.

Jenny L said...

Hi Jackie,
oh I love this card as I do love owls.
My that image is beautiful and your design is so wonderful.
That was lucky that packaging going so well with that image.
Really made me smile to see this.
Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

Unknown said...

Gorgeous card Jackie, love the beautiful image and great recycling of the M&S bag, I have one of those tucked away as crafters never throw anything away ;)
Hugs Kaz xx

Lori Kobular said...

Enjoy your trip!! Your card is beautiful, I love the face on that owl!

Brawny x said...

Great card Jackie x

Holley (Tondre) Barnhart said...

beautiful owl card today Jackie

Maria - Ivyleaf Crafts said...

A lovely owl image and great idea for backing paper xx

Linda Simpson said...

This is gorgeous Jackie, I hope you have a wonderful time away.
Linda xxx

Shabneez said...

A super card Jackie. Hope you have a lovely break! Shabneez x

ALI said...

Gorgeous card, love the owl.

Jan said...

What a gorgeous card the owl is stunning xx Jan

Loose Stitches said...

What a beautiful card Jackie, love the image! I'm your newest follower. :)
Hugs, Sherry x
Loose Stitches and Unraveled Threads

Julieanne..aka pinkjools said...

Gorgeous card Jackie....beautiful image...I'm off tomorrow to help with a visit with the owls at a nursing home...we will be taking a barn owl with us...Annie who is 14 years old...Joolsx

Carole J said...

Very beautiful! x